The first belt of absolute champion in the history of the Shotokan World Federation (WSF) was won by a sportsman from Moldova!

For the first time in the history of the championships, the best athletes received a special prize – Grand Champion 2022 Golden Belt, which, as a result, went to Moldova. The prize was handed by Adrian Popescu-Săcele (9 DAN), President of the World Shotokan Federation.

The FNK RM WKF team also included Christian Gutu and Denis Dobrovolschi, who brought 5 more medals: 2 gold, 1 silver and 2 bronze. Cristian Gutu was ranked 2nd in the general classification of athletes in the category “Boys 14-15 years old” and received a monetary prize.

All the athletes are pupils of Sensei Ghenadie Nicora and train in the club “Maestrul Prim”, mun. Chisinau.

The championship was held in the Czech Republic, or. Pardubice and brought together 717 athletes from 27 countries and 3 continents.

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